Friday, November 14, 2008


To Ashes of Hope and the world of Rimer. Currently, Ashes of Hope is set to be released around summer-autumn 2009 and looks as though it will be published by Booksurge Publishing. There are certain things I need to get to before I can get it out though; mainly, I need to save up the cash to publish it. Secondly, I need cover art and an updated version of the Rimarian world map. It's a lot of work, but it'll be worth it to see my name in print. Only the first three chapters of Ashes will be posted here.

It's been a long haul. I wrote Ashes when I was 15; or rather, I wrote the final version. Ashes has been through at least 5 versions, starting with the first manuscript of it, which was called '2999' and was only 10 pages long. I wrote that when I was in grade 3. There was a 20 page version after that, the name of which has been lost to time and forgetfulness. The next version was named Rimer; Return to Beginnings. For a very long time, this version was thought to have perished with a hard drive crash. Recently, it was rediscovered and now earns its keep by making me laugh hysterically whenever I look at it because of how badly written it is. I've learned a lot since then and Ashes of Hope has been edited many times by more than just me, but also by my mom and my editor Aleria Carventus. With just one more final edit to go, it's ready for publication.

To learn more about Rimer and the other stories, please check out the Official Rimarian Website.

Old Ashes of Hope book trailer from 2006. Terrible voice of Westwind by me.

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